By default, the content area of a page allows you only to stack elements one on top of another. No matter how many times you try to drag an element alongside another element, it will always end up above or below that element. This works great, unless you want to line up some of your elements side-by-side in multiple columns. That's where the Multiple Column Element comes in with the maximum of five Column. This blue bar can be clicked and dragged to the right or left to increase / decrease the size of a column. Note that this bar does not appear on your published site, so your beautiful content will not be marred by a blue bar running down the middle.
Adding content to one of the columns is as simple as dragging that content into the column or moving an element is as simple clicking and then dragging on the blue bar at the top of the element. A column can contain more than just one element you can put as many elements as you like in each column. You can also place other elements above or below the column layout. Give it a try! Now that we've set-up a basic home page, let's make some changes to our theme. Comments are closed.