The Basics of Search Engine Optimization
Every website has an address that can be used by anyone who wants to visit that site. But how do those who don't know the address of your site find you? Search Engines! Most people use Google to look for sites, and a smaller number of people use Yahoo or Bing. So you want to get your site listed on these search engines so that your site can be found by the wider audience of potential customers.
So what are the first things you should do to make your site easy to find on these search engines? Use the SEO Tools in Your Create Your Website AccountEvery 'Create Your Website' site has a place for you to enter Keywords and a Description for your site. These can be found under Settings > Search Engine Optimization.
Both of these fields help search engines to categorize your site. And the Description is what will actually be displayed as the description for your site in your search engine listings. The Description should be two to three sentences long and provide a fairly detailed description of what your site is about. Are you a florist in Denver? Then write something like: "Flowers and Such is a professional florist in Denver, CO with 25 years experience making birthdays a little brighter and anniversaries a little rosier. We have roses, lilies, orchids, tulips and every other flower under the sun." That example Description lets visitors know exactly what the business is about, where it's located (which helps locals see this in their searches), lists some flowers people may be searching for and shows a little personality to boost interest. The Keywords should be fairly targeted and also be the kind of words you use on your site. If your Keywords don't match your site content then they are practically useless. The imaginary florist we've written about above might want a list of Keywords like Flowers, Florist, Denver, Colorado, Birthdays, Anniversaries, Weddings, Apologize, Roses, Lilies, Orchids, Tulips. You may want to use around 20 or 30 words here that match your content and the types of searches people may do to find that content. Note that Keywords are ultimately only helpful with search engines if they are words you actually use throughout your site (especially in title areas). Otherwise Google (and other search engines) will just think you're trying to game the system by using keywords that are irrelevant to your site and will just ignore them. Each page of your site also has a place for keywords and a description. These can be found under Pages > Advanced Settings. These work the same way as the Site Keywords / Description except they should be specific to the content of the page to which they're connected to.